
Peculiarities of our Mobile Application
ProCTTH technology provides the new way of digitalizing various steps of patient recruitment, making patients participation in clinical trial hassle free. For any sponsor it is important to complete patient recruitment within defined study timeline.
Electronic-Patient Reported Outcomes is the reliable source of direct data collection by allowing patient to report self-experiences through technology, empowering study team to implement real time monitoring of the investigational product’s safety, efficacy. This gives sponsor an advantage in real world data collection.
Virtual visit is one of the key reason for a clinical trial patient to complete the clinical trial till last visit. ProCTTH connectivity tools make the patient life easy, and connect to the principle investigator whenever the consultation is needed.
Signing an informed consent form is a regulatory requirement to ensure there is a voluntary participation in clinical trial. ProCTTH application helps patient to understand the clinical trial details sitting in the home and take decision whether to enroll and electronically sign eICF.
ProCTTH aims to improve the patients experience from start till end of their participation in clinical trial. A sponsor can leverage our technology advancement and tools as patient engaging and behavior monitoring solutions to make and help the patient feel involved, cared and listened.
Get In Touch!!
Our team would be happy to get connected and have a conversation about how ProCTTH can help your study.